W-Shinwa Co.,Ltd.

1 Projets 156 Unités

About W-Shinwa Co.,Ltd.

Janpanese Function & Lifestyle more than you expect.  Arguably the heart of Thonglor is the best neighborhood to live in Bangkok. The Thonglor streets have a homely feel to ti, and are yet only a few steps away from good of schools, after-school classes, cafes, restaurants, pubs, malls and supermarkets.

Comparez tout les projets de W-Shinwa Co.,Ltd.

Complété 1
Sur Plan
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A partir de
Date de livraison
Runesu Thonglor 5 Bangkok 156 €157,000 sept. 2019
Nom du projet
Total nombres d'unités
A partir de
Date de livraison
Aucun résultat correspondant
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