Thuan Viet Trading and Construction Co., Ltd

1 Projets 1,300 Unités

About Thuan Viet Trading and Construction Co., Ltd

    Thuan Viet Trading and Construction Co., Ltd. is one of the professional main contractor in Vietnam providing variously preeminent construction solutions for large-scale projects that were chosen and appreciated by investors in the country.

    With 20 years of experience, Thuan Viet has been one of the most professional EPC Contractors in Vietnam to deliver responsive and prestige services with high quality of small, medium and large-scale projects in civil and industrial construction, mining, real estates, aluminum and glass etc., to valuable Investors/Partners in the country. Up to date, Thuan Viet has been maintaining the size, stability and resources to take on a wide range of projects successfully.

     Furthermore, Thuan Viet is constantly updating the advanced construction technology, applying professional Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) system in operation, and complying with international management standards ISO 9001: 2008. We have been gaining the trust from our valuable clients and partners through the high quality large-scale projects.

Comparez tout les projets de Thuan Viet Trading and Construction Co., Ltd

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New City Thu Thiem Ho Chi Minh City 1,300 €93,600 juin 2019
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